Accounting Services
We always try to look at the bigger picture
CoHo Services’ accounting and finance functions have been enhanced by taking a customer service approach to these functions. We begin by asking the question “what information can we give you to allow you to better operate your business?” Financial and decisions are made based on historical data, we work with your team to gather, record and analyze the right information to make a sound business decisions.
The accounting process is constantly monitored to produce better and more useful information in a more efficient manner. Many of the reports we create are summary in nature, with detailed back up easily accessible for ease of review. This allows the property operations team quick access to information to create action steps to address changes in their business. We have shifted many responsibilities from the traditional Accounting model to the operating departments. In this way, transactions are recorded correctly the first time by those who create the transaction, and the hotel operations staff owns the details for their business. In addition to having transactions recorded correctly at the source, we have eliminated many long-established procedures that have become redundant in today’s age of innovative technology. The old adage of “we have always done that” is replaced by “why do we do this”. By analyzing our processes, we have become much more efficient and don’t get mired down by the details.
Complete General Ledger accounting though and including Financial Statements to include cash deposits, and invoice payments.
Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Sources & Uses of funds.
Monthly bank, asset, and liability reconciliation’s.
Capital expenditure reporting & controls.
Annual coordination with lending entities for compliance and loan covenants.
Daily revenue and labor reporting tools.
Checkbook accounting.
Optional payroll processing services with electronic time clocks.
Accounting System Access:
Access to MAS90 accounting system.
Payroll Processing Services and Electronic Time Clocks.
Daily Revenue and Labor Reporting Tools.
Checkbook Accounting Tools.